The Canadian Business Hall of Fame – 2024 Event

Video Viewing Guide

Watch the full-length 2024 CBHF event video

Viewing Guide:

  • 00:19 – 01:50 - Land Acknowledgement & National Anthem
  • 01:56 – 8:35 – Opening remarks with host, Catherine Murray
  • 8:41 – Remarks from Scott Hillier, CEO, JA Canada
  • 13:51 – Remarks from Asheesh Advani, CEO, JA Worldwide
  • 22:24 – Video: “This is JA”
  • 25:31 – Remarks & Royden Richardson National Volunteer recognition, Dawn de Lima, Board Chair, JA Canada
  • 31:05 – Remarks, Micole Mathew, JA Student
  • 42:46 – Louis Audet Legacy video, award presentation, acceptance remarks and interview with Catherine Murray
  • 1:02:13 – Jay Hennick Legacy video, award presentation, acceptance remarks and interview with Catherine Murray
  • 1:19:06 – Stanley Marshall Legacy video, award presentation, acceptance remarks and interview with Catherine Murray
  • 1:34:28 – Prem Watsa Legacy video, award presentation, acceptance remarks and interview with Catherine Murray